🟡 High On The Har invites you to HONOR our past and help REBUILD our future!
🟡 The Machatzit HaShekel mitzvah was practiced during the time of the Beit HaMikdash to support the Temple's expenses. Hashem commanded that Moshe, when counting the people of Israel, should not count each individual, but rather have every Jew donate an identical sum, or half a shekel. The emphasis on all Jews giving an identical sum, which is not found in any other mitzvah, implies that God views all Jews as equal in status. Today, scholars, historians, and religious leaders estimate that half a shekel would be the equivalent of 5 to 10 USD or 18 to 36 ILS.
🟡 During Ta’anit Esther or the Fast of Esther, the Sages ruled that to commemorate the Temple, the half shekel donation should continue to be given, with the hope that the Third Temple will be rebuilt… may we all merit to see it speedily in our days! And it is said that those who give the half shekel earn Olam Haba (or eternal afterlife) and all decrees issued against them or their family will be annulled. Furthermore, the one who commits to this mitzvah every year will live long and prosper!
🟡 Join High On The Har in celebrating the Machatzit HaShekel mitzvah and honoring our sacred past and future Temple with your donation today! It is only with your support today that we can realize the dream of rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash and ensure that the Divine Presence will dwell amongst us, permitting us to serve and worship God, once again, in his Holy House!